Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Into Da Mountains

At last, internet again. Well for now. This past week I have spent in a Hotel, awaiting training for my new job, and after one days training I was given a class to teach. Guess there is truly no time like the present. So along with trying to figure out where everything is (basics like restaurants, roadways, coffee shops, internet access, etc) and learning the job itself, I am trying to remember all my students names, figure out how to determine which level they are at, and remember some cultural customs, so I do not say or do anything that might embarass my students or myself. I then found out I am moving to an all together different prefecture. You see I was trained in Takamatsu, whihc is the largest city on Shikoku island. I taught classes in Tokushima, which is to the east of Takamatsu. So now I am learning locations of things all over again.

Needless to say it has been a challenging week so far. But lets step back a moment and I will drop some pics of our trip to Kamegamori mountain. The participants included Rosie, Myself, Jerome, and Carolina. This was the second highest peak in Western Shikoku from what I've been told. 18000 feet.

Super cool.
There were several other people along for the climb that day. It is apparently an annual thing with a few of the nice folks form Jonathan and Ghiselles church.

At one point along our climb, we were taken to a lower point of the mountain to where in the stream someone had drilled out a bowl to capture water. Saijo is famous for it's spring water, and at this altitude it is equivalent to Distilled water. In the city it has some iron in it, but is good straight from the tap. Was quite nice being in Saijo. I really like it there.

After we descended the mountain we got to go on a tour of Asahi Brewery in Saijo. They chose this location because of the natural spring waters in that region. we even got to test some samples of the products after the tour of the factory. What a huge place. We had 20 minutes to drink all you could :P. I had one of each type they were offering. A pilsner and a stout. And we even got some really yummy beer snacks.

Last weekend we visited Matsuyama. That will be my next post, but as my camera is on the fritz, I'll wait til Rosie comes to visit me this weekend so I can upload some of her pics.

Peace Y'all

1 comment:

St. Dickeybird said...

Wow, looks beautiful there! Gld things seem to be going fairly (if not perfectly) well.

Much better than this damned office...